<a href="http://design-milk.com/forgotten-collection-by-anja-lapatsch-and-annika-unger/forgotten_collection_lapatsch_unger_final_highres_26/" data-wpel-link="internal"><img src="http://3.design-milk.com/images/2017/05/Forgotten_Collection_Lapatsch_Unger_Final_HighRes_26-810x540.jpg" alt="Forgotten Collection by Anja Lapatsch and Annika Unger" /></a>
<a href="http://www.lapatschunger.com/First-Edition-The-Story" data-wpel-link="external" rel="external noopener noreferrer">Forgotten Collection</a> is not only a collection of design objects, but they’re objects designed to make you think deeply about time, value, production, and reproduction.
Using unusual materials such as birch-tar and pitch, they worked with archaeological experts to mimic the effects of nature on materials. Designed by A
nja Lapatsch and Annika Unger, they aimed to use old world techniques to create a storied collection — to recreate something similar to the oldest archaeological objects found in 220,000 B.C. Using the ancient manufacturing processes of slow pyrolysis (dry distillation) of organic materials in a self-made kiln, it creates a unique look that isn’t too ‘shiny and new’.
The use of birch-pitch also has significance beyond just its look. Throughout time, birch-pitch has soaked up days past, providing a richer, deeper experience beyond just material usage. Using the forgotten method of dry distillation, the series of objects explore
past and the future and the effects of change.
Photos by Lapatsch|Unger.
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