Chybik + Kristof uses 900 plastic chairs to clad Czech furniture showroom

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<a href="http://design-milk.com/experience-modern-architecture-japan-contemporary-art-architecture-tour/9-teshima-museum-interior/" data-wpel-link="internal"><img src="http://2.design-milk.com/images/2017/05/9-Teshima-Museum-interior-810x608.jpg" alt="Experience Modern Architecture in Japan with the Contemporary Art + Architecture Tour" /></a>
Every year, <a href="https://artandarchitecturetour.com/" data-wpel-link="external" rel="external noopener noreferrer">CA+AT (Contemporary Art + Architecture Tour)</a> brings a select group of creative people on a curated journey to discover the best contemporary art and architecture sites in the world. This sort of “retreat for creative minds” (as they like to call it) is not merely a vacation—it’s an inspiring learning experience through an on-site exploration of what <em>open air museums: </em>places where architecture, art, landscape blend together in a unified project linked to a specific site, stimulating an exchange among tour guests on creative processes, social change, and environmental regeneration.
With this idea in mind, for the past two years CA+AT has been exploring the experimental projects in the Seto Inland Sea in the Kagawa Japanese Prefecture south of Osaka (the next journey is scheduled May 8th-13th). The place is home to both a project called Benesse Art Site Naoshima and an international Art Triennial called Setouchi, with
<a href="http://design-milk.com/friday-five-with-alison-berger/f5-alison-berger-0-portrait-monica-may/" data-wpel-link="internal"><img src="http://2.design-milk.com/images/2017/05/F5-Alison-Berger-0-Portrait-Monica-May-810x540.jpg" alt="Friday Five with Alison Berger" /></a>
<em>Los Angeles-based <a href="http://www.alisonbergerglassworks.com/" data-wpel-link="external" rel="external noopener noreferrer">Alison Berger</a> is an artist that brings an extensive design and architectural background to her visionary lighting fixtures, objects, furnishings, sculptures, and commission projects through a perfect balance of glass and light. Using traditional glass blowing methods, her timeless works pay homage to scaled-back historic forms that seamlessly bring an old world feel to modern design. The Dallas born Berger stumbled upon glassblowing as a child, leading her to earn a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design before studying architecture at Columbia University. After several years working as an architect at Bausman-Gill and Associates, she completed successful collaborations with Warner Bros. Records and Frank O. Gehry and Associates, which led to her return to glass design full time in 1995 though an apprenticeship with Dale Chihuly. Her ethereal glass objects have landed in films and music videos, including Practical Magic, Tank Girl, and Madonna’s Bedtime Stories, <div class="post-limited-image"><img class="size-large wp-image-304496" src="http://0.design-milk.com/images/2017/05/F5-Alison-Berger-1-New-York-City-Soho-810x556.jpg" alt="" width="810" height="556" srcset="http://0.design-milk.com/images/2017/05/F5-Alison-Berger-1-New-York-City-Soho-810x556.jpg 810w, http://2.design-milk.com/images/2017/05/F5-Alison-Berger-1-New-York-City-Soho-800x549.jpg 800w, http://3.design-milk.com/images/2017/05/F5-Alison-Berger-1-New-York-City-Soho-768x527.jpg 768w, http://2.design-milk.com/images/2017/05/F5-Alison-Berger-1-New-York-City-Soho-500x343.jpg 500w, http://0.design-milk.com/images/2017/05/F5-Alison-Berger-1-New-York-City-Soho.jpg 1280w" sizes="(max-width: 810px) 100vw, 810px" /></div>